Thursday, September 8, 2011

Second Life: Virtual Persona

The persona that I've decided to give my avatar, Nello, is that of a refined explorer. He enjoys taking in what the world has to offer. He wishes to learn about the various cultures all around the world and has a particular fascination with nautical exploration. He is aloof and a bit claustrophobic which means he will tend to stay out of small closed spaces and centers of large crowds.

In this image, my character is sitting in on a spanish class. Learning another language seemed like something that would fit my explorer persona. The class was much smaller than I expected. It was only me, a student, and the teacher. Other than the fact that we were in an ancient Aztec ruin, it wasn't too different from my high school spanish class. Everyone communicated via voicechat, and the instructor had a board which she used to cycle through slides. The instructor told us a bit about the class, lectured, and asked questions. It felt a lot like being in an actual classroom environment, despite the fact that the instructor was teaching the class all the way in Mexico.

The scheduled event that I decided to attend was a live piano show by Tip Corbett. The show took place on the roof of a shop and about ten people showed up. Everyone just hung out around the place, listening to the pianist play. Some stood, some sat, others danced, and a couple of people were flying in circles in the air. The audience commented on the music, and the artist thanked the people who gave tips via voicechat between sessions. It felt very much like sitting in on a radio show.

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